Its 2am now,
& im finally done with 1/4 of my project.
3 slides, 3/4 completed.
It gonna be a long day later...
Nights all.
Or should i say, morning?
My brain juice is drying up.
My brain cells is dying fast.
My brain is storming all these while.
Now its time for it to rest,
& chiong later again.
I hate McDonald's.
Tuesday, July 29
Day 2 for Miru in my house.
He is doing perfectly well.
Why do i say so?
- he knows wheres the proper place to poo/pee
- he can understand "NO!" (command)
- he knows that he cant chew/tear on those newspapers
- he doesnt whine anymore to gain attention from us
- he can eat, play, dance, sleep, poo& pee normally
making any noises, only in the morning.
Prolly hes hungry, so my sleep was been disturbed by
his whining.
I woke up at 6:15am. -_-
Maybe is a new puppy, & hes only that young,
jie was kinda stress, so she woke up at 4am to look
at him.
Read up the internet, & found out that
he whine cause he needs attention.
Our heart just melted whenever we heard him whine.
But according to the website, we shouldnt go to him
despite his whining.
Just let him whine till he stops, then we go & sayang him.
Therefore he will know that, whining dont get our attention.
& it works!
He no longer whine& whine~~
Brought him to the vet today for health checkup.
Doc. said that hes very healthy & hes going for his
next vaccination soon.
From some angle of Miru,
he actually look like a Persian cat.
Maybe cause of his ears, not long& standing.
& from some angle, he look like a Polar bear.
Somemore hes white, & those fluffy white fur of his.
Hoping that Miru will grow up soon &
be healthy & happy in our house!
I just simply love Miruuuuuuuu~
Tonight Miru is sleeping in the living room. Got to let him use to it
as jie going Bintan for 3days. & Miru will be left to takecare
by me& my maid!
Chiong arrrrr~~
Well, enough of Miruuu~
Bei came over today, so fcuking happy!!
He likes Miru aye? Hehs
Ofcause he came over not to see Miru,
is to see me right? :)))) -better say yes-
I didnt went school today, again...
Sigh, hope i strike TOTO then no need study liao~
Hope Thursday 7pm TOTO i huat la, then hoseh liao.
We bought any numbers that is regarding about
Miru, his birthdate, age, weight, licenseNo, etcetc.
Huathuat please.
Got to go to school tml, & tmltml, & tmltmltml
& more tmls......
Is not that i dont like the course,
is... aye, i also dontknow what i dont like leh?
Forget it....
Cocked-up school, fcuked-up life.
Friday kuai dian laaaai~~~~~
& last important thing i wanna say is,
Friends, please stop calling me in the middle of the night.
Cause my name is ADELINE. Its starts with an "A" then
follow up by a "D".
Its always the first few numbers, unless theres an
"Aaron" infront of my name.
Accidently dial my number, & i always woke up
nowhere in the middle of the night,
if not is in the morning, by TANLIQI.
Please, i dont mind you all to save my name as
Monday, July 28

Name: Miru Tang
Breed: Japanese Spitz
Age: 2months
Birthday: 23rd May 2008
Breed: Japanese Spitz
Age: 2months
Birthday: 23rd May 2008
Miru really make my day!
Cried twice in school, cause of some reasons.
Feeling very depressed. Dont know why.
Then Joleen not in school somemore. :(
In OFA that period, i called mummy to
inform her something.
Then mummy said that jie& liang-ge brought someone
home & made her very angry. ( Joking tone )
The moment my mummy said that,
i knew it will be a dog.
But was thinking whether is it Jack.R.T or someother breed.
Its Japanese Spitz!
Cause around April this year, ive got an adult JapaneseSpitz from
my mummy's friend. But it barked at my daddy.
So that poor dog was sent back to the owner.
Miru's eyebag area is very dark.
Cause of his tearing, that made his fur stained.
We'll get it removed soon!
But liang-ge prefered it there,
cause it looks like panda.
Miru is very active, & he loves to nibble
my fingers & my toes. -___-
He dont run but he hop.
He dont bark but he make funny sounds.
He is my sister's "son",
which meant that hes my NEPHEW!
& the most importantly,
he love the toy bone that i've just bought for him!
Tomorrow having si lang OFA Excel test.
Was telling Dp, i will steady steady walk in
& do my test.
I dont care. :))))))))))
Having slight fever & flu!
I dont understand why im always sick.
So sick~~ so sick~~~
Miss my beibei.
Cough faster okay okay?
Love Beibei~
Love Miru........
My gothic dog who put eyeliners. :x
Miru really make my day!
Cried twice in school, cause of some reasons.
Feeling very depressed. Dont know why.
Then Joleen not in school somemore. :(
In OFA that period, i called mummy to
inform her something.
Then mummy said that jie& liang-ge brought someone
home & made her very angry. ( Joking tone )
The moment my mummy said that,
i knew it will be a dog.
But was thinking whether is it Jack.R.T or someother breed.
Its Japanese Spitz!
Cause around April this year, ive got an adult JapaneseSpitz from
my mummy's friend. But it barked at my daddy.
So that poor dog was sent back to the owner.
Miru's eyebag area is very dark.
Cause of his tearing, that made his fur stained.
We'll get it removed soon!
But liang-ge prefered it there,
cause it looks like panda.
Miru is very active, & he loves to nibble
my fingers & my toes. -___-
He dont run but he hop.
He dont bark but he make funny sounds.
He is my sister's "son",
which meant that hes my NEPHEW!
& the most importantly,
he love the toy bone that i've just bought for him!
Tomorrow having si lang OFA Excel test.
Was telling Dp, i will steady steady walk in
& do my test.
I dont care. :))))))))))
Having slight fever & flu!
I dont understand why im always sick.
So sick~~ so sick~~~
Miss my beibei.
Cough faster okay okay?
Love Beibei~
Love Miru........
My gothic dog who put eyeliners. :x
Saturday, July 26
Went Ps today because i thought of
going to NationalMuseum for my
MSPP project.
But while eating Ajisen with bei,
i dont think i have any shit
to write about the museum.
So my brilliant bei thought of something
better & easier.
So that topic shall be my project! :DDD
Actually we wanna watch "Red Cliff",
but ALL tickets sold out, if not only left
the first row. -___-
We walked from PS to Cathay,
then back to PS cause Cathay tics
left first row.
Then went up to GV to check,
& tics not available too.
So we give it a try at GreatWorldCity,
cab there & found out that there dont even
have "Red Cliff".
So bo bian luh. No where to go.
So cab back to "Red Hill". :x
Played Viwawa with bei while he using jie's lappy.
Munching on those pokey pokey.
Showing off his recent-built-back muscles.
Tomorrow is SUNDAY!
Because today is Saturday! :D
What day is after sunday?
So monday is what day?
Fcuk the schoooooooooooooooooooool..
Friday, July 25
From the pictures above, you should know
where am i today. :DDDD
Went Bugis because of this TaiwanFoodFair.
Yea, & pon-ed school.
Skipped that part.
Heard that this fair got sell Chou-Tofu also,
got very excited. :DDDDDD
I've never eaten before chou-tofu but i smelt
it before & it really stinks.
Its like garbage? Or worst than that. =/
But the more exotic it is, the more i wanna try.
But nobody wanna try! Walao, hum leh beibei. :x
& i dont think that i can finish everything by myself.
So didnt buy in the end. :((((((
Ohhh, & the Almond milkshake from Rockery
is so nice can!
It taste like Almond paste!
Good recommendation from Dewei. :DD
Bought new wallet, finally....
My previous wallet is dying out luh.
Holes here & there, nearly drop my IC
into the MRT "drain" that day luh.
Because of those holes!
Goodbye walley~ & that wallet is my bday
pressy from cyn& semao. :DD
Its a stamp-chop :)))
& the name for this blue swimmer thingy is...
& sigh~~~~~~~
Well, due to my Appearance-rate in school is low,
my name is in the "Wanted list".
I just dont know why i feel no seriousness in ITE.
Maybe because its ITE..
I dont like the teachers there, or maybe that
ONLY teacher who always nagnagnag.
Her naggings is the worst of all, i swear!
The only thing that motivates me to go to school
is that goal to go to a Polytechnic.
But everytime when tests or exams results is back,
that dream/goal of mine is always shattered.
As i know, poly wouldnt accept too many ITEstudents.
They only reserved a number of them.
My chance is sooooooo looooooooooooooow in getting into it.
My class have so many smart& chiongster peeps,
they will have a better chance, & i haven even compared
me to the other classes & college.
So wheres my chancey? Zero la. :((((
Sigh, & 3 of my Secondary mates left ITE.
So disheartening. :((((
Now left 3 of us, while J is not that "stable" too.
HOWHOWHOW. T____________T
Nehmind, shallnt think anymore.
I just dont have that kind of seriousness yea?
i dont fcuking careeeeeeeee. ^^
Well, due to my Appearance-rate in school is low,
my name is in the "Wanted list".
I just dont know why i feel no seriousness in ITE.
Maybe because its ITE..
I dont like the teachers there, or maybe that
ONLY teacher who always nagnagnag.
Her naggings is the worst of all, i swear!
The only thing that motivates me to go to school
is that goal to go to a Polytechnic.
But everytime when tests or exams results is back,
that dream/goal of mine is always shattered.
As i know, poly wouldnt accept too many ITEstudents.
They only reserved a number of them.
My chance is sooooooo looooooooooooooow in getting into it.
My class have so many smart& chiongster peeps,
they will have a better chance, & i haven even compared
me to the other classes & college.
So wheres my chancey? Zero la. :((((
Sigh, & 3 of my Secondary mates left ITE.
So disheartening. :((((
Now left 3 of us, while J is not that "stable" too.
HOWHOWHOW. T____________T
Nehmind, shallnt think anymore.
I just dont have that kind of seriousness yea?
i dont fcuking careeeeeeeee. ^^
Wednesday, July 23
DURIAN PUFFS! From GoodWoodPark Hotel is heaven~
The durian thingy is very "tall".
They are very different from outside durian puffs
when the durian is mixed with cream, then
no more durian taste.
Its best to eat is chilled! :DDDDDD
Valencia Thng, please go & get somemore of those.
$1.60 for one only, you can afford it! :)))))))))))))
Went to JEC to catch TheDarkKnight with my whole class today.
Was pretty fun cause its the first time
our cakecakes gather together! :DDD
The movie is nice, but is also fcuking long.
& i wanna complain!
Its really sucks, like granny's rockerchair.
Back to topic, oh, i love Joker.
He is always smiling isnt he? :x
Herman really bought us packs of popcorns& drinks.
Cheers Herman!
After the movie, ofcause we got to carry out our
observations & some surveys by the other group.
Stood beside & carefully looking at who is buying what.
Noone bought nachos, sigh.
Im incharge of nachos. :((((
Went home str8 after that, no more di lili, da lili.
Missing beibei loads!!!!!
Only be able to meet him on Sat,
hopefully on Friday! roar... :(((((
Sigh, tml school....... Thursday.......
How i wish that i wouldnt go school anymore.
How i wish that somebody will bomb the school someday.
How i wish...
Monday, July 21
Today was full of weirdos, around me. :DDDDD
Met Jansher& Rahman this morning at Mac.
Actually i thought just meet & go school after that.
But nah.
We stayed at mac from 10-12. -___-
Then was talking about a lot of things,
from horror stories, grandfather stories, jokes then
to Ironman, Hulk. (inside joke)
& then, theres this staff working in Mac, those clean
trays, tables one. She came & talked to me.
She asked me whether i know about this "Bear" shop,
where they sell TeddyBears then put into boxes.
I was like " heh?"
Then she told me that is her friend asked one, so whether i know not.
I did heard before, theres one of this shop in VivoCity,
but i din really know about the shop name & etc.
Ofcause i told her i dont know anything about it.
Then she asked me to sms her friend, informing her friend that
the shop is in VivoCity & telling her friend to find for her
in Macdonalds.
Im just a customer in Mac, yet shes asking me to help her sms.
Fine, i sent one over to her friend's hp, unwillingly ofcause.
Like shes pointing a gun towards me to sms.
The problem is that, she a bit weirdweird those type.
No offence, but something like APSN student.
Well, after that hang around, while shes still coming
to our table randomly to talk to ME.
The both of them was joking around, yet not helping!!
Left Mac quickly after my lunch.
Bid goodbye to Rahman & took 147 to school.
Passed by FairField Primary & a lot of kids on bus.
Its understandable that those kids will #!@#%@#% non-stop
on bus, noisy indeed.
Suddenly, got this weird guy, around our age,
screamed at those kids.
The bus became slience......
All the kids was shocked & was looking at that guy.
Some of the boys sitting behind him,
was showing the handsign, indicating siaosiao.
LOL. The kids were badly scared i guess.
In school, the lift incident.
A lot of our classmates was waiting for the lift.
& then the lift came.
Half of them went in, then i remembered clearly that
Shaf is the one asking more of us to go into the lift.
So we went, for the sake of having fun while squeezing.
14 of us inside a small & cramp up lift.
Door closed.
Lift not moving.
No ventilation.
Then we start to get panic, really panicky.
Everyone was shouting & some were laughing.
Im worried !
Was holding on to my hp, & the first thing that came into
my mind was to dial 999.
But no reception!
After roughly around 40secs of stuck-ing,
the door opened.
Saw a few of our classmates outside, looked worried too.
So glad to breathe in fresh air luh!
After we left, the lift is not working at all.
Prolly we've spoilt the lift.
But in the first place, 14 of us were inside,
the censor of the heavyweight thingy din ring.
So maybe we thought its alright. WorldRecord okay?
Mai siaosiao.
Lastly, something came today.
So happy. :DDDDDD
Miss beibei badly, hp cant sms. :(((((
Faster do your work & call me aye?
Today was full of weirdos, around me. :DDDDD
Met Jansher& Rahman this morning at Mac.
Actually i thought just meet & go school after that.
But nah.
We stayed at mac from 10-12. -___-
Then was talking about a lot of things,
from horror stories, grandfather stories, jokes then
to Ironman, Hulk. (inside joke)
& then, theres this staff working in Mac, those clean
trays, tables one. She came & talked to me.
She asked me whether i know about this "Bear" shop,
where they sell TeddyBears then put into boxes.
I was like " heh?"
Then she told me that is her friend asked one, so whether i know not.
I did heard before, theres one of this shop in VivoCity,
but i din really know about the shop name & etc.
Ofcause i told her i dont know anything about it.
Then she asked me to sms her friend, informing her friend that
the shop is in VivoCity & telling her friend to find for her
in Macdonalds.
Im just a customer in Mac, yet shes asking me to help her sms.
Fine, i sent one over to her friend's hp, unwillingly ofcause.
Like shes pointing a gun towards me to sms.
The problem is that, she a bit weirdweird those type.
No offence, but something like APSN student.
Well, after that hang around, while shes still coming
to our table randomly to talk to ME.
The both of them was joking around, yet not helping!!
Left Mac quickly after my lunch.
Bid goodbye to Rahman & took 147 to school.
Passed by FairField Primary & a lot of kids on bus.
Its understandable that those kids will #!@#%@#% non-stop
on bus, noisy indeed.
Suddenly, got this weird guy, around our age,
screamed at those kids.
The bus became slience......
All the kids was shocked & was looking at that guy.
Some of the boys sitting behind him,
was showing the handsign, indicating siaosiao.
LOL. The kids were badly scared i guess.
In school, the lift incident.
A lot of our classmates was waiting for the lift.
& then the lift came.
Half of them went in, then i remembered clearly that
Shaf is the one asking more of us to go into the lift.
So we went, for the sake of having fun while squeezing.
14 of us inside a small & cramp up lift.
Door closed.
Lift not moving.
No ventilation.
Then we start to get panic, really panicky.
Everyone was shouting & some were laughing.
Im worried !
Was holding on to my hp, & the first thing that came into
my mind was to dial 999.
But no reception!
After roughly around 40secs of stuck-ing,
the door opened.
Saw a few of our classmates outside, looked worried too.
So glad to breathe in fresh air luh!
After we left, the lift is not working at all.
Prolly we've spoilt the lift.
But in the first place, 14 of us were inside,
the censor of the heavyweight thingy din ring.
So maybe we thought its alright. WorldRecord okay?
Mai siaosiao.
Lastly, something came today.
So happy. :DDDDDD
Miss beibei badly, hp cant sms. :(((((
Faster do your work & call me aye?
Sunday, July 20
Finally im done with my school shoe!
Actually thinking of buying a new pair.
Went to Crocs, EverLast, etcetc,
none of those pumps caught my attention.
So i decided to make one myself.
Bought the plain olden schoolshoe
& was thinking what to draw on it.
Nothing came into my mind.
Ofcause, i always have affectionate for vintage stuff.
So went on net to check about vintage stuff.
After roaming around, suddenly i saw this cute Bambi.
Then i took a pencil & drew onto my shoe.
YAY~ Although it looks a bit different from the original,
its something that i drew by myself okay?!
Then how about another shoe?
Well, i saw my necklace while i was thinking.
& the necklace is an OWL!
:DDDD So there explains about that owl.
Some says look like a dragon, some says bear....
But i knew it was an owl, i really do. =/
Hope i din drew the wings like a chicken.
While its "growing"..
"Yen can cook, so can you."
Yea! I can make a cupcake in just 3mins!
No joke, 3mins!!
All thanks to the magical powder from Daiso,
& also you need an egg for per cupcake.
Just stir & mix them together in a cup,
put it inside mircowave for 2mins, no less.
( Dont exceed the timing, your mircowave might explode.)
Here comes your delicious cupcake.
Not oily at all.
Its spongy light & 100% sweetness!
They have other flavours like Caramel, Vanilla, etc.
Ofcause the last picture isnt the cupcake in the beginning state,
It has already been eaten half of it when i took the picture.
So you can imagine, its kinda big in the beginning.
Maybe it depends on the cup size.
So tired!!!
Sleeping soon.
Nights peeps!
Nights beibei!
Loveylovey you.. :))))))))
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