Day 2 for Miru in my house.
He is doing perfectly well.
Why do i say so?
- he knows wheres the proper place to poo/pee
- he can understand "NO!" (command)
- he knows that he cant chew/tear on those newspapers
- he doesnt whine anymore to gain attention from us
- he can eat, play, dance, sleep, poo& pee normally
making any noises, only in the morning.
Prolly hes hungry, so my sleep was been disturbed by
his whining.
I woke up at 6:15am. -_-
Maybe is a new puppy, & hes only that young,
jie was kinda stress, so she woke up at 4am to look
at him.
Read up the internet, & found out that
he whine cause he needs attention.
Our heart just melted whenever we heard him whine.
But according to the website, we shouldnt go to him
despite his whining.
Just let him whine till he stops, then we go & sayang him.
Therefore he will know that, whining dont get our attention.
& it works!
He no longer whine& whine~~
Brought him to the vet today for health checkup.
Doc. said that hes very healthy & hes going for his
next vaccination soon.
From some angle of Miru,
he actually look like a Persian cat.
Maybe cause of his ears, not long& standing.
& from some angle, he look like a Polar bear.
Somemore hes white, & those fluffy white fur of his.
Hoping that Miru will grow up soon &
be healthy & happy in our house!
I just simply love Miruuuuuuuu~
Tonight Miru is sleeping in the living room. Got to let him use to it
as jie going Bintan for 3days. & Miru will be left to takecare
by me& my maid!
Chiong arrrrr~~
Well, enough of Miruuu~
Bei came over today, so fcuking happy!!
He likes Miru aye? Hehs
Ofcause he came over not to see Miru,
is to see me right? :)))) -better say yes-
I didnt went school today, again...
Sigh, hope i strike TOTO then no need study liao~
Hope Thursday 7pm TOTO i huat la, then hoseh liao.
We bought any numbers that is regarding about
Miru, his birthdate, age, weight, licenseNo, etcetc.
Huathuat please.
Got to go to school tml, & tmltml, & tmltmltml
& more tmls......
Is not that i dont like the course,
is... aye, i also dontknow what i dont like leh?
Forget it....
Cocked-up school, fcuked-up life.
Friday kuai dian laaaai~~~~~
& last important thing i wanna say is,
Friends, please stop calling me in the middle of the night.
Cause my name is ADELINE. Its starts with an "A" then
follow up by a "D".
Its always the first few numbers, unless theres an
"Aaron" infront of my name.
Accidently dial my number, & i always woke up
nowhere in the middle of the night,
if not is in the morning, by TANLIQI.
Please, i dont mind you all to save my name as