From the pictures above, you should know
where am i today. :DDDD
Went Bugis because of this TaiwanFoodFair.
Yea, & pon-ed school.
Skipped that part.
Heard that this fair got sell Chou-Tofu also,
got very excited. :DDDDDD
I've never eaten before chou-tofu but i smelt
it before & it really stinks.
Its like garbage? Or worst than that. =/
But the more exotic it is, the more i wanna try.
But nobody wanna try! Walao, hum leh beibei. :x
& i dont think that i can finish everything by myself.
So didnt buy in the end. :((((((
Ohhh, & the Almond milkshake from Rockery
is so nice can!
It taste like Almond paste!
Good recommendation from Dewei. :DD
Bought new wallet, finally....
My previous wallet is dying out luh.
Holes here & there, nearly drop my IC
into the MRT "drain" that day luh.
Because of those holes!
Goodbye walley~ & that wallet is my bday
pressy from cyn& semao. :DD
Its a stamp-chop :)))
& the name for this blue swimmer thingy is...
& sigh~~~~~~~
Well, due to my Appearance-rate in school is low,
my name is in the "Wanted list".
I just dont know why i feel no seriousness in ITE.
Maybe because its ITE..
I dont like the teachers there, or maybe that
ONLY teacher who always nagnagnag.
Her naggings is the worst of all, i swear!
The only thing that motivates me to go to school
is that goal to go to a Polytechnic.
But everytime when tests or exams results is back,
that dream/goal of mine is always shattered.
As i know, poly wouldnt accept too many ITEstudents.
They only reserved a number of them.
My chance is sooooooo looooooooooooooow in getting into it.
My class have so many smart& chiongster peeps,
they will have a better chance, & i haven even compared
me to the other classes & college.
So wheres my chancey? Zero la. :((((
Sigh, & 3 of my Secondary mates left ITE.
So disheartening. :((((
Now left 3 of us, while J is not that "stable" too.
HOWHOWHOW. T____________T
Nehmind, shallnt think anymore.
I just dont have that kind of seriousness yea?
i dont fcuking careeeeeeeee. ^^
Well, due to my Appearance-rate in school is low,
my name is in the "Wanted list".
I just dont know why i feel no seriousness in ITE.
Maybe because its ITE..
I dont like the teachers there, or maybe that
ONLY teacher who always nagnagnag.
Her naggings is the worst of all, i swear!
The only thing that motivates me to go to school
is that goal to go to a Polytechnic.
But everytime when tests or exams results is back,
that dream/goal of mine is always shattered.
As i know, poly wouldnt accept too many ITEstudents.
They only reserved a number of them.
My chance is sooooooo looooooooooooooow in getting into it.
My class have so many smart& chiongster peeps,
they will have a better chance, & i haven even compared
me to the other classes & college.
So wheres my chancey? Zero la. :((((
Sigh, & 3 of my Secondary mates left ITE.
So disheartening. :((((
Now left 3 of us, while J is not that "stable" too.
HOWHOWHOW. T____________T
Nehmind, shallnt think anymore.
I just dont have that kind of seriousness yea?
i dont fcuking careeeeeeeee. ^^