Saturday, March 28

Miru saved Earth too!

So did you save the Earth today?
I switched off all switches and dogged out all my torch lights.
Together with sis, liang & of cause Miru,
we did our part during Earth hour!
However, mummy, granny and boyfriend didn't heed my advice.
They insist on watching their television!
I got so excited when 8:30pm strike,
started screaming out from my window,
Few lights off, the rest, nah.
Anyway, mummy was bathing.
So i crept inside to the bathroom & switch off the lights.
Brought my torch light in, & was explaining to her what happen
to our Earth, the Ozone Layer, etc.
Guess she didn't understand much thou,
& was complaining that she cant get to shower properly.
Nonetheless, granny was the gongblonk,
so i don't have to explain to her much.
Previously, sis thought that there will be some people patrolling
around the area & check who did their part during Earth hour.
Come on lah, so free meh?!
Miru laid his pawpaw on my keyboard!

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