Wednesday, February 18

Wisdom tooth?

What is happening to the weather these few days?
Got forest fire meh?
& i guess I'm falling sick very very soon.
My nose bled this morning without giving me any warning.
Felt sudden giddiness when I'm outside.
Ulcers are popping out on my tongue.
My "wisdom tooth" is growing i guess?
I can feel that lump popping out, & i couldn't bite my food properly.
That lump is painful!
If it's really wisdom tooth, then HOORAY!
Means I've got wisdom!
I don't want to extract my wisdom tooth!
Lastly, i don't have much appetite.
You must be saying, " HAR?"
Ya, i only ate 1 & half meal today.
The weather, that suspected wisdom tooth I'm having,
are killing me!
However, I'm fucking glad that projects are all over!
Having revision now thou, but wonder if I've got de bar from exams.
I don't want to get de bar.
I wanna go SIM.

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