Tuesday, October 21

I'm loving school more & more each day.
Expect that, i guess I'm gonna flunk my POM,
very soon. :(
I shall not say what happen, ( teachers will be reading)
but well, i should take charge of my own studies.
That's what Herman said. :((
However, its kinda tough to pass time
whenever dear Mrs. AS starts to teach.

& hooray, I've a chance to travel to Cambodia.
I wanna visit the orphanage there,
pass them some of my soft toys,
just wanna do something for the kids.
Its part of ETP activity, but M doesn't feel like going,
as February will be a period when our
projects are all due.

M, please go with me. :(((((((

I'm dying to go.............

Gonna wear formal to school on Friday.
We've yet to purchase our formal wear.
Spending $$ again, i'm so broke.

I'm looking forward to 17Dec.
Hurry please. :D


Fat bastard.
Fat bitch.
Yang-or bitch.
Lazy bastard.
Skinny bastard.

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