Miru in ECP!
Brought him to ECP with jie, liang-ge, bei & myself.
This is the very first outing of Miru!
Was really looking forward for this day very long ago.
We didnt expect Miru to be that hyper on that day.
Cause he dont even dare to step out of our
house door when we leave our door wide open.
-__- Hum ji dog.
Liang-ge lobang him on his bike,
while we, the 3 of us, being the bodyguards,
riding side by side. LOl.
We didnt leash him, & allow him to run on the beach.
That is how much faith we have for him,
for not running away.
True enough, he didnt run far.
He'll react to us & stay close.
Tasted his first mouth of sea water,
landed his poo on the sandy beach,
leaving paw prints around,
what else can he do?
Played for the whole afternoon,
& i'm brushed out!
Especially under the fucking hot sun,
can die you know?
Miru was tired too luh.
He nearly fall alseep until we bought him
ice-cream cone from McDonald's! :D:D
Miru's loving it~
Bid byebye to ECP & went home.
He bathed & went to sleep straight away.
Really that tired hur.
Planned to go ChompChomp with bei
after that,
but we're really tired. :(
We'll go soon okay? As promised.
Watched Money Not Enough2 again today.
I could remember the scripts. -_-
Meeting K tomorrow's afternoon.
Mahjong on Monday.
Over-night fishing on Tuesday.
ChompChomp on Wednesday.
Orh-pi sai, sing song on Thursday.
Goes on & on....
I GOT SUN BURNT. :((((((((((((((((