I think he have taken the place of
Ice-age in my heart. AWW.
Watched Starwars-CloneWars on Monday.
Cant believe it?
I cant believe i actually watched Starwars.
But surprisingly, i think its nice!
Although i'm not sure about who is who,
who is the bad ones or the good ones,
i know who is Sky-Walker!
& i gave a name to it, Sai-Walker. :)
Summary of the story,
they're just out to save the baby caterpillar.
If i'm not wrong? :D:D
School was fun today.
I hate BFD revision seriously.
& i seriously meant it!
I got really tense up,
cause i dont seem to get things memorise
into my head. :(
While i think the rest can, i cant.
Had this sudden giddyness for the past 3days.
Is like i've just sat on an invertor?
I feel like puking.
I played CS today.
It was really fun.
Killing-spree luh!
Having MSAccess test later.
May God bless me. :)