Starting step1 from the top left-top right-bottom left-bottom right.
So i..........
I had a wonder-wonderful weekend.
Starting from NationalDay.
Went to watch JourneyToTheCentreOfTheEarth
with beibei in the afternoon.
Not bad thou, exciting!
Kiss goodbye with bei, & went ClarkQuay to meet Kelly.
We dine in at PepperLunch.
& hello? it have been the dontknow how many
months since i've ever eaten PepperLunch.
Slacked & walked around ClarkQuay aimlessly.
Found a veryvery good spot just infront the
Xtreme Bungee thingy.
Actually wanna walk to catch the fireworks,
but i dont think we could get there just in time.
So decided just to stay put& drool.
Suddenly, infront of us not very far, got fireworks!
:D:D:D:D:D:D & its a very comfortable spot.
No need to bua with bangalas or mangalis.
Only theres this girl who blocked my view,
but she left awhile later.
The thick smoke really damn jialat,
it covers the whole clarkquay alright?
is Fadzly birthday!
Celebrated in BotanicalGardens.
You may think its funny celebrating there.
But let me tell you, its awesome there.
No mosquito-sucking-blood, greeny grass,
no air-pollution, shady, windy, nicey!
Umairah hand-made muffins is fantastics!
Teach me!! :))
Played games there, organised by Umairah.
& got a forfeit cause of SYAMIL that alien.
18... 18... :x
The forfeit was,
together with the 3bastards in my class,
they got to perform pole dancing,
while IM THE POLE.
Dancing first was Syamil, then followby Mark then Fadzly.
Left at 7+ & headed down to Bugis
to meet up Heng ar Heng.
Went Sisha after that.
It wasnt that nice at all.
Caught the last train, & make our way to
Heng ar Heng's house the nearby the McDonald's.
We spent our whole night there.
Can you imagine? We actually talk-cock from
But its really a nice night, we shared a lot of things
among ourselves.
Reached home at 7am.
Then poor Miru wants me to play with him.
So in the end, i only slept at 8am. -'-
& got woke up at 1pm by SEAHBEIBEI.
I'm so becoming KungfuPanda very soon.
& here i'm blogging at this time now.
Went to watch Love Guru with bei today.
The show was funny, & yes, indeed a
NC16 show.
Why do i say so?
Go watch yourself la & you'll know. :)
Will there be Role-Play tomorrow?
I hope not,
we haven get our scripts ready.
Dont be sooo cruel on us. :(
Have merrrrcy~~~~