Feverish, having cold i guess.
Maybe cause bei& i was jumping on puddle of water
today when he sent me home.
So fun luh, i can afford to get wet!
Cause im wearing shorts . :DDDDD
But was freezing cold when i got into cab.
zzz. Nearly froze, but din thou~ :D
The rain today was really big, at tampines.
Having MSExcel on Tuesday.
This time honggan liao. & i haven even get started on my MSPP project.
& my topic for the MSPP is NightSafari......
BABY, when are we going to NIGHTSAFARI?
Dont know whats wrong with the school management.
They're treating quite a number of classes to movie!
My class is going on the next Wed.
Its something like a learning excursion,
a topic in BFD, Statistic.
Gonna be OBSERVING around the FoodStation. :DDD
Cause thats the purpose of this trip, that is to OBSERVE.
Although Mr.Herman lie about him treating the movie,
but he paid for that 20pks of popcornny.
Maybe? O___O?
Got home today, & BabyMOMO gave me a shocked..........
Iron clothes then shun bian hang momo there.
& hes still hanging now.
Captured it down cause i think that it look really nice.
With those orangy light, so nice!
Its rainning again now, so cold. >___<